
Mande began as a conversation between two bipolar friends, Kate Ardis Oden, a late-blooming literary-world hanger-on, and Scott Neuffer, the founding editor of successful literary journal trampset. Scott now serves as Mande’s informal consulting editor. We aim to publish the art and writing of bipolar creatives and those who know them.

The name “Mande” combines the first syllables of manic depression.

Online to begin, we ultimately hope to publish twice-yearly print editions. We believe in equal access and do not charge submission fees; we believe in the right of creatives to make a living and pay what we can. Mande is a labor of love, but if it ever pulls a profit, we will donate funds to mental-health treatment and advocacy groups. If you wish, you can help at a funding site to be set up in the near future, or contact kate@mandeliterary.com.